
This blog is an assortment of food-related exploits and explorations, with a focus on recipes and an occasional discourse (rant) about a particular topic. Ingredients tell a story. Taste connects us to memories and emotions. Texture leaves a lasting impression. Spices inspire and traumatize. The process can be equal parts tedious and therapeutic.

Food is love. Food is fun.

I’m not sure I’m entirely qualified to be instructing or advising on cooking. I only have ad hoc and on-a-whim experiences. However, the blog was officially endorsed by my friend, Kayla, via chat on 04.30.20, so here we are.


Some notes and general good-to-know’s:

  1. Recipes lead most posts. If you don’t want to read rants, you are certainly not obliged; however, they are of benefit to the site so they may pop up every now and then.
  2. Spices can make or break a dish, drawing out associations and memories. I enjoy spices and can be heavy-handed in my recipes. It is always prudent to take spice quantities, on any site, with a grain of salt and your personal preferences in mind.
  3. Please be aware of your surroundings and practice thoughtfulness while cooking. Hot things are hot. Cold things are cold. Keeping things at too high or low at temperature can cause them to become unsafe for consumption. The rapid heating or cooling of certain materials is dangerous and can lead to shattered dreams and glass bake ware. Be aware and know your kitchen.
  4. I have a fairly direct approach when I cook. I do some research, and then I try it. If I don’t like the way something sounds or tastes, I make alterations. I hope you’ll do the same. Exploration is half of the game and most of the fun.
  5. PS. Many of the photos are not pretty.